Have you been in a situation where you asked yourself these questions?
Haven’t I given you everything? What is wrong with me? I have showered you with all of my love and certainly all of my attention. Nothing seems to matter – so I must be doing something wrong.
Maybe I could spend more time . . . money . . . attention on you. Maybe if I lost weight or got a promotion, you would love me. Maybe if I had some Botox you wouldn’t feel I was so old. Then, I could make you feel younger.
Sound familiar?
Stop the madness! Stop pushing against what you cannot change nor control. We can only be ourselves – always coming from a good place – having integrity, honesty, and compassion. We can only be kind and understanding – forgiving but for the life of us – no matter what we do we cannot change someone or certainly make anyone love us.
Set your boundaries – guard your heart!
If someone walks out on you – let him go! He was never meant to be a part of who you are to become. He is not on your journey! He is not meant to be a part of your future. Let him go. And, with that – let go of any insecurities that hang around with him. He came and went and was a great teacher. What did he teach you? Why did you settle? Who do you have to become to never ever fall for that again?
You, my friend, are beautiful – special – essential and significant in a plan far greater than you can imagine.
God’s got a plan for you – be yourself, listen to your heart and learn from the experiences that have come your way.
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.”
– Reinhold Niebuh