Someone once asked me, “How does it feel to sit in the presence of God? How do I know if He is near?”
These are loaded questions. I’m not sure I have the answers, but here is what I know and have experienced in my own life.
Sometimes, a peaceful sense of joy comes from a place that is not your own. It’s like a wispy energy that is released within and around you. That energy can be spirited or meditative.
The feeling, or “wispy energy,” doesn’t stay with me as the world wakes up and gets in the way. As my day unfolds, my thoughts move to my book, study, speeches and retreat plans. There are syllabuses, objectives and goals to explore. Then come the hours of practice and preparation. There is the composing and rewriting of paragraphs and chapters.
No matter what is on the calendar, I know this: God is always present and goes with me throughout each day. He is with me when I am happy, and when I am sad.
He quickly prompts me to be quiet when I’m angry, cynical or sarcastic. If I say something and realize later I wish I hadn’t, or when I do something that does not bring me peace – that’s Him!
Our God is a forgiving God, and He loves us both enough to correct any jealousy, anger or pride.
Imagine. We have our own personal Coach and Spiritual Director.
Sit in silence and know that God is near. Welcome the Holy Spirit and search for the sensitivity of the moment every day.
Get to really know God. Take Him at His Word. One morning when you are sitting alone – when you feel a certain sense of joy – think of me, and know I feel it, too.
Holy Spirit of God – tonight or in the morning – sit with me again. Remind me over and over that you love me. Let me know that I’m enough, and that I am not alone. Lord, please do that for my friends, too.
Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command. And, I will ask the Father and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of Truth.
The world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you will know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you.”
John 14:15-18