I remembered that it was an incredible morning. There were birds calling back and forth to one another. A light morning mist was slowly disappearing from the garden out back. The sun’s first rays beamed over the top of my neighbor’s house.
“Let’s go for a walk,” I said to my little dog. I knew the lake would be the perfect place to hear the banjo frogs before they went in for the day, or maybe even see one of the small turtles that lived in the feeding stream.
“What is that bubbling?” I remember asking myself. “It must be a frog!” But, moving closer … it stopped.
Standing silently, I waited. “Lord,” I whispered, “show me your glory. Let me see this mystery.” I waited and waited. Nothing happened.
Feeling a bit ashamed as I know that we are not to “test the Lord,” I just turned my little dog around and headed back home.
Then, as I looked up, I saw on the lake what I had been watching for all spring – baby ducks. Tiny baby ducks staying close to their mama and exploring the shoreline. They looked like little bees buzzing around the water. My heart soared, and then “I got it.”
What God said to me was “Here is my wonder. It was and is around you all the time. You must KNOW it is always here. Just KNOW and believe. Live in that space of abundance.”
Heading back home, I felt an indescribable peace in my heart. Why did I even ask when His presence is so abundantly clear?
Live abundantly.
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20 (NIV)